get valuable customer information for determining who are good customers

SELECT customer.customer_id, customer.first_name, customer.last_name, customer.email, COUNT(rental.rental_id) AS rental_count, SUM(payment.amount) AS total_payment FROM customer LEFT JOIN rental ON customer.customer_id = rental.customer_id LEFT JOIN payment ON rental.rental_id = payment.rental_id GROUP BY customer.customer_id ORDER BY total_payment DESC;
  • This SQL statement is designed to retrieve valuable customer information, specifically the customer's ID, first name, last name, email, the total number of rentals they've made, and the total amount they've paid.
  • The LEFT JOIN clause is used to combine rows from the customer, rental, and payment tables based on the customer's ID and the rental's ID.
  • The GROUP BY clause is used to group the results by the customer's ID, and the ORDER BY clause is used to sort the results in descending order based on the total amount paid by the customer. This will help in determining who the good customers are, as they are likely to be the ones who have made the most rentals and payments.
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  • Sat, 15 Jul 2023 08:40:33 GMT