Next-Gen AI Data Dashboards

AI automatically generates every part needed for fully fledged data dashboards. AI generates analysis hints, advanced SQL queries and data chart used to visualize the connected data source.

Cutting-Edge AI Generator

1. Create Data Dashboards

Create a new data dashboard with a descriptive title. You need a connected data source (e.g. database) to fetch data from for the data dashboard.

  • Dashboard without the hassle
  • All aspects AI generated

You can see your data dashboards and add new on the data dashboard page.

Cutting-Edge AI Generator

2. Add Snippets With Database Queries

Snippets containing SQL or NoSQL are used to generate the individual data tables and charts on the dashboard. This allows for highly tailored and specific data insights.

  • Simple, yet powerful
  • Fully tailored queries

Save the snippets to a dash dashboard by click on the "Save snippet" button and select the desired data dashboard.

Cutting-Edge AI Generator

3. Explore and Visualize Real-Time Data

Now the data dashboard will contain snippets used for fetching real-time data and display them in a table. You can also choose to display it as a AI-generated chart. The data dashboard uses the connect data source to fetch data from.

  • Easy real-time data insights
  • Visualize data with 1-click

You can also fetch data directly on the AI Generator by click the run query before saving the snippets to the dash board.

Cutting-Edge AI Generator

Extra: AI Analysis and Hints

If you aren't sure what to ask to get valuable insights or need inspiration, click on the Hints button and have AI suggestion hints or even create an entire data analysis.

  • AI hints tailored your data source
  • AI analysis tailored your data source

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