AI Generated Snippets

Snippets are pieces text and code generated by AI that you can save and use throughout our platform. Added to a data dashboard, snippets can be used to fetch real-time data and visualizations.

Cutting-Edge AI Generator

Save and Share Snippets

Snippets can be private or public in case you want to share it with co-workers.

  • Private or public
  • Share with co-workers
  • Blazing fast

Cutting-Edge AI Generator

Private Snippet Library

You can easily access and find previously generated snippets in the your snippets library. Snippets are organized by the used data source.

  • Snippets library
  • Organize snippets
  • Data source connected

See your snippets library.

Cutting-Edge AI Generator

Editable Using Inline VS Code

Once AI has generated a snippet you can edit it using a fully fledged code editor. You can alter the SQL or NoSQL, the text and add remarks.

  • VS code editor
  • Highlighted code
  • Modify or add remarks

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